Monday, 9 November 2009

Their own story

I’ve always found it slightly amazing, that every little thing we see has it’s own story to tell…Every person we see is going somewhere…Seeing someone…And they all have had different experiences.

It just feels slightly unreal. Take for example, this picture, it’s of a 1994 Ford Mondeo. Who knows how many miles it’s done. It could be 50,000…Could be 120,000…The body looks to be in good condition though, so it’s anyones guess. Though, this car, this lowMONDEOly, seemingly boring Ford Mondeo, has its own story. When it was new, someone found this car amazing, someone loved it….Then, after a few years, they found it less and less interesting, until one day, they sold it. It could have contained, 10’s…Hundreds of people…But…Who knows, and right now, I can only hazard a guess. So, this is my story for this car…

It was bought in 1994 by a Mr Robert Smith, and his wife, Elaine of Portsmouth. Mr Smith was a manager for a local branch of Halfords at the time. He had 3 kids, 2 at the time the car was bought. The first day trip he took in the car was to London. After 1 year, the tyres needed changing. Mr Smith had done well over 13,000 miles in the car, but as were the requirements for the job. In 1997, Mr Smith and his wife, Elaine, and 3 children went on a holiday, across the channel in France. They visited Paris. By the time they decided to sell the car, it had covered 54,322.5 miles.
The next owner was Mrs Walker, a housewife from Portsmouth who needed a reliable car to take her children to school in. Her husband had a car at the time, he had a brand new Ford Escort 1.6. Mrs Smith only covered a few miles a day in the Mondeo. At the most 10 miles a day, 5 days a week. She kept it for 10 years, until 2007, where upon it had 78,198.6 miles on the odometer. For the last 2 years, it’s been owned by a man who lives in Plymouth. The car has been used daily since, bringing the mileage to 121,871.8
32 brake pads….a new exhaust, 12 new tyres….8 new brake discs, 4 timing belts, 6 fan belts, 2 new wind-screen wipers, and 12 new blades….67 new light bulbs.
This car, it still has life in it, yet this is what I think it’s been through, and, well is it true? Who knows…Who cares?

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