Monday, 16 November 2009

Random thing I found

Has the last person you texted ever been mad at you before?
I certainly hope she hasn’t!

Have you ever searched for your own house on Google Earth?
Yes! And I found it….Then set it as the default ;D …Cause I’m sad, obviously

Whose the ugliest person you know?
Bit of a harsh question…Quite unanswerable really…

When will be the next time you text someone?
In a few moments…

How much money did you spend today?
About £3 something or other

What will you be doing tomorrow?
6th form :\

Have you ever cried while in the shower?

What's something you really want right now?

How do you feel about your hair right now?
It’s been raining today :|

Have you ever slept in the same bed as your friend?
Not that I can remember…

Did you ever waste too much time on a certain boy or girl?
Yes, I did…

Last person you talked on the phone with?
Mum? or Megan or someone

Who do you blame for your bad mood today?
I’m not in a bad mood…as of now

What was the first thing you did this morning?
Get ready for school…I got up late, LOL

Do you miss someone?
Megan…like, ALOT

If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
Nope, I see no point and if I’d changed one thing my life might not be as good as it is now.

Today did you hug a person you have feelings for?

Do you wish someone would turn up at your front door right now?
Yes, I do!

How are you feeling right now?
Alright really :)

Is it hard for you to admit when you're wrong?

Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with an A?

How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?
Mid-Late 20’s

Do you know anyone who is pregnant?

Do you think you'll have the same best friends a year from now?
Possibly, but who knows?!

Who is someone who can always make you laugh, even on a bad day?
Daz, Rhys, etc…

Do you really, truly miss any of your friends right now?
I miss a few of my friends a little, like Debbie…But not on the same scale as I miss Megan

How many people could you not live without?
Quite a few…

Are you generally a happy person?
Sometimes yeah!

Who's in your profile picture with you?

Has a girl ever called you babe or baby?

Do you hate it when people smoke around you?

Are you making a total fool of yourself?

Besides this, what are you doing right now?
Just sat down…Not really doing, Anything

Would you go into public looking like you do now?

Where will you be in an hour?
My house

Where did your last hug take place?
In Leicester train station

Who is your last text from?

Was it a boy or a girl to text you first today?
A lass

What is your current annoyance?
Being in Woodhouse to be honest

What do you currently hear at the moment?
The dogs barking and the washing machine

Are you easily scared by horror movies?

Are you a risk taker?

Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with?

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?

Is the last person you hugged older than you?

Last text received?
From Megan about Christmas presents

Ever been so drunk someone else had to carry you?

Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
I am not

Is this year the best year of your life?
Yes, actually

What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
I don’t usually

When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
More of a note, and it was on Thursday

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