Thursday, 11 February 2010


I'm currently sat here watching Die Hard 4.0. It's a good film, if a tad bit, unrealistic.
There are a few things I've never understood about these movies where 'national security' is threatened though.
Firstly, the bad guys are always middle aged men, who are rich and have a shit load of money. But, what would they gain by being a terrorist? If lowering the stock market is what they need, well, after they've 'stolen' all the money they'll have trouble using it. It'd be devalued.

Secondly, they usually always create an inordinate amount of carnage. I mean, really? What would be the point of using a truck or series of large explosives to demolish a building? By filling out the correct forms and hacking the correct computers they could probably do it with an actual demolition team...And using a truck to take out anything smaller than a Chevrolet Suburban? You could get the same effect from using a large van...

And thirdly, they always use expensive Audi's, and BMW's as their tail cars. But why? If anything happens to them you'll be spending thousands to repair it...When you can pick up an old escort for £500, or an old Taurus in America for only $800...
Hell, an old Caprice will only put you back a few hundred dollars. It just doesn't make sense...

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