Sunday, 28 February 2010

Le Saboteur

I've been pretty much hooked on my new game, The Saboteur for a few weels now. My parents barely see me any more, I'm pretty sure they think I might have died...In all fairness, the game is actually, really, really good. But, a little things do bother me about it. Not enough to ruin the game-play though.
Because the developers ran into financial trouble whilst creating the game, it comes to an overly abrupt end. No real conclusions to anything. It all seems a little cold towards the end. Now, this isn't a big problem, unless you were hoping the game lasted a little longer, (which I was) but as things go, I suppose we'll just have to live with it. The ending is still quite climactic, but a cliff hanger ending? In a game?

Secondly, trains. They're literally invincible. After throwing all you have, including a few old-timey RPG's, at them they're still perfectly fine! Why Pandemic?! Or more, how, can a train stay in perfect condition even when faced with a large explosion? It's all rather odd...There are a few other little things, but none of the problems in this game are bad enough to warrant me to think of it in any less of a good way!

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