It’s hard to believe a new decade has arisen…It’s also hard to believe that one has just passed. So much has happened these last 10 years. It’s amazing really.
2000 – I remember where I was on New years eve, 1999. I was at the house I’m living in now, at a party. I didn’t live here then though. I lived in Bilsthorpe. I can’t really remember much about that year really. Though it was the last year I lived in Bilsthorpe. I’m pretty sure that same year was the ‘Foot & Mouth’ scare.
2001 – Everyone remembers 2001. Simply for 9/11. It was a bad year really. I moved here that year too. In July, a few months before the world trade centre fell. Other than that, I can’t remember that year very well. Then again, I turned 9 that year, so I wouldn’t really…In December though, I cut my arm open. Right to the bone. Still got the scar too.
2002 – 2002…The year Microsoft released their Xbox. I got one that Christmas. I turned 10 that year too. Good times! I also got into year 6 at school. Which would have been my final year at Primary School. In September of 2002, we went on my first holiday abroad. It was to Majorca. A island off the Spanish coast. Fun Times. It’s also the same year we bought our “new” car….A 1994 Citroen ZX Avantage, and scrapped our old one, a 1982 Nissan Sunny. What a year.
2003 – Possibly one of the best years of the decade. 2nd behind 2009. I got into Manor, my comprehensive school. I had a best friend, Greg, who I’d known since 2001/2002 ish, and at first, I loved it. I could walk home on my own, freedom at last! I thought it’d be scary. It wasn’t. I got a phone then, my first. A Sony Ericsson T-610. I actually loved that phone. In December of 2003, we went to Florida. It was the best holiday of my entire life. I’ve never before or since had so much fun. We saw so much, did so many things. If I had the chance to go back, just for a day, I would. In no time. In the news, things did happen. But nothing major, I don’t think. But I was 11….Like I cared about the news.
2004 – This was an odd year. I can’t really remember exactly what happened. It was disappointing to go back to school after such an amazing holiday though. I moved into year 8 in this year. I thought I was the big-man.
2005 – I moved into Year 9 in this year. It was a fun time. Mum and Dad also got their new car. A 1999 Audi A4. Also, my cousin, Elliot was born. I was amazed when it happened. Really I was. But, then there were the July bombings in London. We’d had our first terrorist attack. Bad times. Very bad times…I did, however, discover Mercenaries in this year. An addiction I’ve not been able to get rid of since. What an amazing game. One of those I can actually say has changed my life.
2006 – I made a big choice this year. What my options would be. I chose, Applied Art, Graphics, Applied ICT, Geography and Applied additional science. I also started my B-Tec in engineering in 2006. It was, helpful, not so much fun! But ah well! What can you do really. It’s hard to believe this was nearly 4 years ago, to be honest. I’ve not regretted that decision though. I also went to the British International Motor show 2006. That was literally amazing.
2007 – What a year. I started following car-license plates in this year. From the ‘07 plates onwards. I don’t know why. Just found it fascinating. I also moved from year 10 to year 11 in this year. It was the beginning of the end for my GCSE life. I still hated college, with a passion, but as is life I got on with it. This year I got my bike too. It was a red, dual suspension one, I’ve barely used it. And, I got my first girlfriend this year. Susan. I had another too, Becca. They both were, a bit mental, but I wouldn’t have done anything differently.
2008 – This year really was the beginning of a different life. There are many different times I’ve known I’ve grown. Getting my GCSE’s is one of them. 2 A’s, 3 B’s, 5 C’s and a D. In February I went on a school trip, bringing me closer to those I wanted, and liked. And it brought me closer to friends, but tore me apart from others. I finished my mandatory life at Manor this year. We had Prom, and that was that. No more school. I also chose my subjects for 6th form. Sociology, Law, ICT and Psychology were my options. I liked it, at first but I didn’t know what was in store.
I went to my 2nd Motor show, the 2008 BIMs.
The best bit though, was gaining a best friend. One I could trust. Debs. I also got a laptop for Christmas 2008. I got money from 6th form, it served its uses. Mercenaries 2 came out after 3 years of waiting, impatiently. I met one girl, I almost fell for, and, well that was it. What an odd year. I was so wrapped up in myself though, and my own little world, I don’t really know what went on in the real world. Though, I did decide I wanted in on the Police.
2009 – Here it is. The best year of my life. I’ve always led a reasonably happy life. Even if as a ‘geek’. In January, me and Debbie had a day out in Nottingham never to be forgotten. In March, Mum and dad got their final new car of the decade, the Subaru. I dropped Psychology, after failing most of my A-levels. In July, I found a girl who has changed my life more than anyone, Megan. We’ve been going out since then. She’s pretty much is my life now. I got a blog, and did so much more. I’ve not regretted anything from 2009. I’d say, it’s the best year of my life so far. Who knows what 2010 has in store. We shall see, won’t we!