Wednesday, 31 March 2010


It's April the 1st...aka: April fools! Incidentally, I'm seeing Megan today! If I was evil I'd play a prank on her...but we'll see what happens ;)
It might be evil ;)

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Fighter Jet

Another little something I drew...enlarge for better quality!


I love this film. I watched it the other day with Megan. I'd not seen it since I was on Holiday, in 2006! A long, long time ago!
It's about a bloke who needs money and stages the kidnapping of his wife...after which pretty much everything goes wrong! It's not meant to be funny, but it really is!

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Alton Towers!

My sister's birthday is coming up! She'll be 16. I think she wanted to go to Alton Towers for her birthday weekend! I hope so, I love Alton Towers, its so good! So fun too! One of the best theme parks in the world, not as good as the ones in the USA but close!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Tank crushing car...

Just a little something I drew (Enlarge for decent quality!)

Tuesday, 23 March 2010


I keep looking at my phone at one specific time! Every morning at some point I'll look at a clock somewhere, be it my watch, my phone, the computer, etc...But I keep catching it at 11.11! I have no idea why either though. It's just so weird. It's also quite annoying!



Let me tell you now, I have nothing, against people from other countries moving into England. In fact, I think that their move here brings a wave on new culture to our old little country and makes it a better place.
I also, would like you to know I'm not racist, and some of my very good friends are from ethnic backgrounds, even my granddad came from Ukraine.
And I do not support the views of the BNP or Nick Griffin. I do not wish for any immigrants to get sent to their home countries.

But, there's one little thing that gets on my nerves about illegal immigrants. If they're let into the country, to then start reaping benefits of the benefit system in England, how are we going to make that money back? We're just spending more money funding yet another family which means less tax-payer money for other important services, like health, and the Police.

It is now reported that 5 out of every 10 immigrants into the UK have no VISA, no passport, no ID. And that's bad! So, how do they get into England?
Well, this starts off with the Italian Mafia. They run a massive human trafficking operation over the sea in their high powered, high speed ships. Their faster and more modern than the Italian Police ships, so can outrun them. These immigrants are taken from the ships, and places in the back of lorries in Italy, and moved out all the way through France to the channel tunnel. Then, they're in England. Hey presto, they're ready to work.
Businesses thrive on these low-paid immigrants, who can do jobs for a fraction of the price.

I don't think these illegal immigrants should be forced out of the country. No, they're here now, and it is against their human rights. However I do think they all should be given VISA's, passports and an identity, and then made to work for at the least minimum wage. They can pay taxes then. It makes life better for everyone. Security should be improved, 'cause then all immigrants would have a VISA, passport and an identity already.

Like I said, I'm not racist by far, I just want a better life for everyone, no matter what colour, nationality or race!

Monday, 22 March 2010

Pole Shifts in 2012?!

according to scientists, the earth could suffer from a 'Pole-Shift' within the next few years. This is where the Poles (North & South Poles) will shift. This means that a place like New York could become the new North Pole, and a place like Alaska could be on the equator. Unlikely? It's happened before. If you look at ancient rock you'll see how the continents where once in different places.
There's evidence that such a thing could happen soon, the continents are moving slowly...
In fact, at one point much of England was under the ocean!

Sounds fun? No. If this did happen there would be Armageddon. Massive Earthquakes would occur...Volcanoes would explode, and they would be HUGE, and very, very big Tsunamis would happen, causing widespread flooding, and then this water would freeze at the new North and South Poles, where ever this may be.
Much like that film, The Day After Tomorrow.

But, don't worry, these Pole Shifts take millions of years to occur. So it's not like they'll happen in our lifetime, or our children, or our children's children etc...

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Wheeler Dealers!

I really do love this programme. It makes me glad to see some old cars have potential...and shows that even mundane ones can actually be really interesting. One of my favourite episodes was one earlier, with a Bentley Mulsanne Turbo. The final outcome is so good in that episode, it's nearly unreal!

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday Megan. Hope you have a really good day babe :) xxx

Wednesday, 17 March 2010


I keep having a nice, yet odd 'Daydream' of me, driving people around in my car. Usually when walking to and from school with my music blazing. The car changes each time. I've had one about everything from a Honda Civic Type R, all the way to an Audi A4.
I have no idea why I keep having this thought, it really is quite bizarre. I hope soon though I'll be able to get driving lessons. I've got the money for a photo for my Provisional, just need to wait till Saturday to get my photo now! Then hopefully I can start driving.


My Law teacher seems to believe that I'd do better if I dropped my A2 Law course, and joined an AS Law course. I'm not sure whether I would or not, so I suppose I can only wait and find out. In the end, I still think I'd be better off dropping the subject...But we'll see.

Monday, 15 March 2010

End of the road?

So...It looks like it's the end of the road for Law.

Earlier I got asked by my teacher if I wanted to resit the exams I'd failed. I said no. If I did, by June I'd have to take 8 exams. My teacher said that if I didn't resit my exams, I wouldn't get an overall grade for Law, so really there was no point in carrying on the subject.

In the end, I've failed Law 3 times already. If I haven't passed by now, I very much doubt I'll ever pass...I'm going pretty much nowhere. It's just an extra burden on me as a whole. Plus, the whole subject is getting me down now. Perhaps it is better to call it a day. Leave it be, and just study other things. I've got my college course next year, so it's not like I'm going to lose out by dropping it. I suppose we'll have to see what my mentor says tomorrow!

Friday, 12 March 2010

The unmovable man

Me and my best friend, Debs, said we should start detailing our little escapades. Writing them down so we can laugh in the future! Well, I think I'm gonna start with today's little 'incident'!

I went to the tip with my dad. I'd cleaned my bedroom and had lots of things that needed taking, including an old TV, and 10 metres of telephone wire.
Whilst I was there, I saw a man. He didn't move, or talk. Just stared. I found this really odd. I got closer an closer, wondering why he didn't actually say anything! I got even closer. Still he didn't move. It took me absolutely ages to realise he wasn't actually a real person. It was a mannequin! Bad times!

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Results day!

I got my results for my Janurary A2 6th form exams earlier. I did terribly to be quite honest.

Law: 3 U’s
Sociology: D

Whilst I did badly, I’ve got to be honest I’m not entirely bothered by it. I mean, what is the worst that would happen? I know what job I want, a place in the Police Force (for which there are no grade boundaries). I’ve already been accepted into college on a Public Services course next year too. So, even though I’ve not passed my A-Levels, all hope is not lost. There’s life after exams.

In fact, the only thing I’m slightly annoyed at, is that I’ve spent 2 years doing this course at 6th form, and have come out of it all with no real grades. Yeah sure, there’s life after exams but it sure doesn’t help that I’ve spent 2 years of my life doing nothing of importance.
In the end though, I can’t join the police properly until I’m 21, and I’ll be 20 when I finish my college course…Plus I’ve been getting EMA so I can still see Megan every week. It’s win-win really…! Anyway, anything that you do adds to you as a person.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010


Lately I've been really fickle. I could do with redefining my interests really, as lately I've found little enjoyment in the things I used to like doing with my spare time.
It's incredibly annoying though...I'll try and do a drawing, or go on the Xbox, or on MSN and just find myself getting really annoyed, simply because I'm bored constantly!
Doesn't help I'm not very adventurous when it comes to my interests though. Part of me wishes it was the older days, when I was little. Then I could play for hours on end with my toy-cars on the carpet or in the back garden.
Speaking of playing outside, I wish it was warmer. I can't go out often or too late recently, it's been far too cold! So I've got to be cooped up inside to keep warm, either that or freeze to death outside!

I suppose really our only hope is that it warms up sometime soon by quite a lot, then I can go out, take photos, hang out with friends, etc...And all will be good with the world.

Monday, 8 March 2010

1998-2009 Ford Crown-Victoria

I've always liked these...A lot! No idea why though. They're just your average cars, but Taxi-Cabs and the U.S. Police departments seem to love them!


I just checked the National Rail website. Currently, I'm spending £12 per ticket to get down to my Girlfriends house...I thought it may be cheaper to get a season-ticket for a year...Boy was I wrong.

If I go down there every week, for 1 whole year I'll be spending £624 on the train journeys. That's at least...However..If I buy a season ticket, I'll pay £1,800 for a whole year! I'll lose well over £600!

I thought, what If I get a rail-card. They cost about £26, but save me 1/3rd on rail prices...Which over 1 year means I'll save £208...SO, I'll only be spending around about £416 a year...Not too bad, if I do say so myself! Think of what I could do with an extra £208!!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Next Blog!

After clicking the 'next blog' button a few times, I noticed something. Blogspot is entirely covered by 'families' giving people -most likely friends and family, an insight on how they, and their children are...That and 'arty' types who insist on showing the world their latest creation.

It all seems a world away from what my Blog is actually like...It just seems like most people blog about things that really matter, but I just write about anything and everything...or so it seems!

Like the other day...I mentioned the 1994 BMW 5-series over 3 times!

Maybe I should write about more meaningful things? Or maybe my style suits me?

I admit it...

Okay, I'll admit it, I need a haircut! I should be getting one by tomorrow time. I have got an appointment tomorrow, so we'll see what happens...
No idea what I'll have done though. Probably just a trim...When in doubt, go for the same thing you've done these last few years!

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Heavy Rain?

I saw an advert for a game called 'Heavy Rain'...To be honest, I wondered what the smeg that was all about. It made no sense, neither did the adverts for it. I can only describe it as a film-like-game.
Wikipedia said... "The player interacts with the game by performing actions highlighted on screen related to motions on the controller, and in some cases, performing a series of quick time events during fast-paced action sequences..."
Is it me, or does that sound like every game? I'm confused by this...Very confused.

Car crash?

One of my girlfriend's friends earlier told of a car-crash her cousin had been involved in. See if you can spot the inconsistencies.

"My cousin was at a junction, not over the line, when his car was hit from the side by another car which must have been travelling at about 100mh...It caused my cousin's to flip over 3 or 4 times. The other guy just backed away and drove off. In court the other guy said he liked smashing peoples cars..."

Can you spot them? Well, a.) If he wasn't over the line he couldn't have been hit at a junction, unless the other idiot was travelling on the pavement!
b.) If the other guy had crashed into another car at 100mph, both of them would have been killed. No if's and's or but's. They'd be dead.
c.) It wouldn't flip the other car. And definitely not more than once. The frame would have bended, the entire chassis would have been completely mangled, but it wouldn't have flipped. There was no way for the car to become airborne in such an event. NO way.
d.) Just saying the rest was true up until now (It isn't), the other car couldn't have 'driven' away. It does take a lot to destroy a car, but it wouldn't be so much destroyed as obliterated. There'd be barely a recognisable car left! At a combined speed of 100mph between too Trucks Mythbusters found that the car had almost been pancaked.

So, if you'd like to tell us the real story? Please, go ahead!

Why do I hate...Tuesdays?!

I really hate Tuesdays, with a passion. It's the one day of the week I really can't be arsed with. Yeah, sure, I get an extra lie-in for a few hours, but because my lesson begins at about 1pm...finishing at 3.30, I don't really have time to do anything...At all. I could go on my Xbox, but I'd probably become immersed, and unable to detract from it...
...I can go and watch TV, but have you seen daytime TV? I'd rather shoot myself in the feet, to be perfectly honest.
Wednesday's are better, at least it doesn't hide the fact that I'll be at school till 1.25pm
And Thursdays are best....I don't have anything in the afternoon...Just a lesson in the morning! On the bright side though, at least the weather outside is really nice...So you can tell it's Spring ;)

Monday, 1 March 2010

Evolution of 5


A gorgeous car...But not so sure about the bright blue paint...Maybe a Navy blue, or a black?

1994 BMW 5 Series

I don't know why, but recently I've just been so, well obsessed with the 1990-1995 BMW 5 Series. It's a good car, but is it good enough to be obsessed with, especially to the degree I am?
I've seen them in many differing films, most notably Ronin, where it was the 'bad-guys' car. It ended up getting a tad-bit destroyed.
Nowadays the Beemer, is a very cheap car. I can see why in some respects, but I still do love them to bits. I wouldn't mind getting one at some point after I've passed my driving test...


It's officially the first day of spring today! Finally! Winter seems to have dragged on for what feels like absolutely ages! No doubt it's been one of the best winters of all time though. I actually can't wait for summer now. I love summer, so much!
In other news, it's only 10 days til I get my A-Level results! I'm kind of looking forward to it now I think about it!

Also, it's only just under 3 weeks til Megan's birthday!